Special machines

Successful design of custom-built special machines often requires an understanding of the customer’s processes and work phases.


Some examples of the products we design.

Delivery includes

Good to know

Our knowhow in working methods and processes provides a solid base for special machinery design, success of which we carry the responsibility. We also design production cells and lines.


Contact product manager Petja Lindström.

+358 40 740 4771
petja.lindstrom (at) hefmec.fi

You can rely on our products - always

Maximising productivity requires reliability. With this in mind, all our products are designed to withstand heavy duty use, and are highly durable. Our lifting accessories come with a lifelong guarantee. Quality is assured by ISO 9001, a certified design process and manufacturing.


A well-designed special machine is useful in many ways.

Safety at work

Safe and user-friendly device.


Fast turnaround time.

Customer insight

Consideration of the customer’s know-how already at the design stage

Turnkey delivery

Kokonaistoimitus käyttöönottoon asti.