Track system for heavy shaft assembly

Track systems

Track systems offer a solution to the challenges relating to the transfer, hauling and lifting of products. The track system is a versatile, cost-effective solution for locations where it is not possible or practical to use a larger lifting solution.

NOTE. The product is an example of our custom-built products. Hefmec tailors every product for the customer’s specific needs.

Product description

Track systems offer the solution to the challenges relating to the transfer, hauling and lifting of products. The track system is a versatile, cost-effective solution for locations where it is not possible or practical to use a larger lifting solution.

The track system can be safely attached to many kinds of structures by using the appropriately selected supports. The rail system can also be fitted with movable attachments, whereby it can be used in more than one location. A traverser conveyor and lifting device can be connected to the system, whereby the object to be transferred is handled efficiently and safely.   

About Ordering

Contact our Product Manager Petja Lindström for a product designed and tailored to your specific needs.

+358 40 740 4771
petja.lindstrom (at)