Clamp type grippers
Clamp type grippers allow round-surfaced objects to be lifted and turned quickly and safely with one fastening. The plier-like grip enables one side of the workpiece to be machined or fastened. The customer makes savings in worktime and in production costs.
NOTE. The product is an example of our custom-built products. Hefmec tailors every lifting attachment for the customer’s specific needs.
Product description
Round-surfaced workpieces can be gripped using a clamp type gripper, for example barrel-shaped and totally spherical workpieces can also be lifted with the device. During the lift, the piece can be turned steplessly, while secured on the lifting attachment. Stepless turning allows the contents of the hoisted piece to be discharged in one stage. After turning, the piece can be mounted e.g. on the machining centre, when the lifting attachment can be detached and removed.
The advantage of clamp type grippers is in their ability to lift and turn the workpiece, steplessly and safely, with one fastening. The load can be fixed or be machined on one side while suspended. The customer’s worktime, and thus also production costs, are reduced.

- We supply lifting attachments with a lifelong guarantee and with CE marking.
- The guarantee covers design, material and manufacturing defects in load-bearing structures for the length of their intended life.
- The lifting attachments fulfil the Machinery Directive or the national regulations of the authorities in the country of destination.
- The lifting attachment delivery includes instructions for use and service, declaration of conformity and record of inspection.
About Ordering

+358 40 740 4771
petja.lindstrom (at)