Frame Gripper
With frame grippers, the object to be lifted is gripped by a form-locking device from the inside or outside. Externally adjustable and interchangeable gripping jaws allow for quick and safe lifting of different shapes and sizes of objects with a single tool. The product is particularly suitable for spaces with limited lifting heights. Frame starters save on procurement costs, phase time and production costs.
NOTE: The product is an example of a product we customize for the customer. Hefmec designs each lifting accessory to meet the customer’s needs.
Product description
The ring grips have several lifting points that allow a secure and stable form-locked grip on different shapes of pieces, for example on the inside edge of a round piece. The quick release of the jaws allows the jaws to be interchanged, allowing lifting to be carried out on different types of workpieces, including those gripped from the outside of the workpiece. The protruding arms also allow lifting of pieces of different sizes with a single tool. The hoist is particularly suitable for areas where height poses a challenge for lifting. If height is not a limiting factor, lifting scissors are an alternative solution. Frame starters save on procurement costs, phase time and production costs.

- We supply our lifting equipment CE marked with a lifetime guarantee.
- The guarantee covers defects in the design, materials and workmanship of load-bearing structures during their design lifetime.
- Lifting equipment complies with the Machinery Directive or the national regulations of the country of destination.
- Lifting equipment is supplied with an instruction and maintenance manual, a declaration of conformity and an inspection report.
Order a product
Contact Mikael Ekholm, Product Manager, and we will design a lifting aid that meets your needs.

+358 50 434 3827
mikael.ekholm (at)